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Our farm is in Mira, between the Venetian lagoon and the famous Riviera of the Brenta River (Brenta Riviera), and extends for 43 hectares, all around our agriturismo. We grow mostly soft wheat, corn, soybeans, ryegrass and grass for hay, using methods with low environmental impact. In addition, 700 trees have been planted to produce high-quality timber and to increase the European woodland surface area.

Starting in 2016 we threw ourselves into a new adventure and planted a 5.5 hectare vineyard with Pinot grigio and Glera grapes in order to produce  Prosecco.

We also own some land in southern Italy, in Puglia; there we have 210 hectares of woodland and 26 hectares of wheat and sunflowers.

And should you feel like going for a walk in the countryside, we have created a 3 km long path all around our estate; maybe you’ll get lucky and see some gray, white or red herons, wild ducks, sacred ibis, pheasants, hares or some of the many other guests of our fields!




Photo cortesy of Stefano Maruzzo

  • Cortesy of Stefano Maruzzo